Friday, December 16, 2011

Dog -vs- Children

Been thinking and figured out why our dogs become out babies.  Since my youngest babies don't live close to me, I find that I lean toward my dog for that unconditional love that children give you. I have a dog that is a Shizu/Lapso Apso

She has become our baby.  She has those big brown eyes that stare at you until you give in.  BTW, my grandkids can do the same to me no matter what color their eyes are.  I bring her new toys home all of the time.  It is so bad that she waits in the kitchen for me to go through all of the bags just waiting for something that I have bought her.  She is also a snuggler, curling up right next to me or laying her head right on my shoulder while I am laying in bed.  She follows me all around the house... no matter where I go.... yes even waits for me outside the bathroom door.  I have even had to make room for her on my craft table so she can watch what I am doing.  The only thing that I don't do with the dog is read her books.... well at least not yet.

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