Friday, January 20, 2012

Do I Make a Difference?

When raising your children, you work hard and to the best of your ability, to do what you think is right in teaching them.  Hoping that between your lessons, school lessons, and those little growing up lessons that your children grow up understanding what life is general about and succeed in life.  They will continue to learn lesson as they mature, make their own marks and changes in their lives. As a parent, you hope that you make a difference in the lives of your children, but when does that end or does it.  When they finally step away from us to make their own lives, their own family, and their friends.... do we still make a difference or can we still make a difference?  Is it our roll now to step back and just watch?  I know that we will still see them, visit them, hug them, but are we still needed.  I think I have a problem with needing to know that I am still needed.  I am not sure what I would want to be needed for, but I have a problem of feeling left out.  I have no reason to believe that I need to always be there but an occasional contact of wanting to know how things are going and a lunch date would make a world of difference. But.. I know that I am just being selfish.  I am such a baby and obviously love to ramble.  But one of the reasons for this blog is to let out my feelings which for one would make me better and two to let others know how I feel whether they agree with it or not.  Sorry if I offend you with anything that I put here.


  1. Don't ever apologize for saying how you feel. You come here to say what you want without offending - so don't even apologize.

    I know I don't comment here and that's honestly because I don't come read this blog because I hate hearing how sad and upset you are.. so I just stopped visiting.

    I will just say this - I know I'm only a married in daughter, but you make a difference in my life and I love you.

    1. Thank you Kristine for your comment. I don't expect anyone to respond to anything I mention on this blog... I just say how I feel... kind of like a diary. It can be read. How anyone takes it is up to them. I love and appreciate everyone that is in my life. I know that how I feel about something is my problem and only I can do something about. It just makes me feel better to put it out there letting people know how it is for me. At sometime these feelings change because something changes in me or around me. So just take these as how I feel at the time put it out there.... again thank you for your words. and I love you also..... and as usual... MORE...
