Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Being creative......

I have found that my passion for crafting have very much increased as I have gotten older.  I grew up with a very creative Mother who brought me into the world of sewing and crocheting. I have done both since I was about 10.  I did however drop a lot of that creativity when I started a family.  Between working and taking care of my family, I just did not have the time.  However as the children got older, I was able to get back into making things.  I dabbled in a lot of different things. Some of which I would sell at small craft shows.  My daughter even got into the creativity at a young age.

When my husband and I moved up to the country side from the big city (after all the kids were grown, moved out and started their adult lives) I found I had more time on my hands and got into more gardening as well.

My first love has always been crafts though and thanks to my daughter who started quilting, I found that my sewing machine has become my close friend and I taught myself how to make quilts.  There was a lot of trial and error, but between advice from my daughter and the wonderful world of the internet, I think I have gotten a understanding of what to do. With that I am dedicating this blog to all of my creative moments.

A quilt that I found for me to learn with was a rag quilt.  This is one that I made for my wonderful daughter-in-law.  I found, when making quilts, that I love putting flannel fabric on the back because that is the part that touches the body and it is soft.

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